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How to Train for a Half Marathon: The Essentials

How to Train for a Half Marathon: The Essentials

Posted by Laura Ulveling on

So you want to run a half marathon?

You’ve picked a race, paid the entry fee, and now you’re ready to… run? 

This is the point that you’re probably freaking out. Maybe your thought process looks a little like this:

What in the world was I thinking?

I’m not a runner!

A giraffe can run faster than I can! (Okay, this actually is true, unless you can beat 37 mph. Google it. Like, wow).

As you sorted through panicked thoughts you maybe searched Google and landed here, looking for advice. Good news… you came to the right place! Today we are going to give you five groovy (and essential) tips to set you up for success in your half marathon training! 

How to Train for a Half Marathon

Today we are going to give you five GROOVY (and essential) tips to set you up for success in your half marathon training!

1. Do your research.

If you are reading this right now you’re already off to a great start! We strongly believe that you can achieve way more than you even imagine right now, but it starts with good preparation. Find a running plan that you can realistically complete in the time frame you have, and stick with it! The easiest way to do this is to search google “__ week half marathon training plan” and see what comes up! We recommend taking at least 12 weeks if this is your first big race.

2. Train with confidence.

Make up your mind, and believe in yourself! When people ask you what you like to do, own it! Tell them, “I’m a runner, training for a half-marathon.” The more you claim this positivity over your achievements, the more you will be able to accomplish! Lead with your mind and your body will follow.

train for your first half marathon

3. Use the right gear.

Take an afternoon and try on as many pairs of shoes and types of inserts as you can until you find a combination that works perfectly for you. Your training footwear choice will have a huge impact on the quality of your race and can relieve or cause pain from your arches to your knees. Some sort of pain is almost inevitable, but the right gear can really help to relieve unnecessary discomfort.

4. Refresh yourself during long races.

Make sure you’re not running long distances without some sort of refreshment along the way! Many runners bring some GU Energy Gel or Gatorade Energy Chews along to enjoy a few miles into the run. This will give your body the extra boost it needs to complete the race while giving your mind something to look forward to! Some runners even leave small water bottles along their training route to grab at midpoints. This is especially important for a run during a hot day, or on days that you run over 8 miles.

5. Listen to your body.

One of the worst things you can do is assume you can’t hurt yourself. Pay close attention to your body and listen to what it tells you. If your knees start to ache, take a little step back to rest and look at your form and footwear to see if you can make any adjustments that will ease your knees a little. It’s so easy to injure yourself while running so many miles, and it’s definitely not worth it to push yourself too hard and then have to face months of recovery time.

train for a half marathon

6. Track your speed with a fitness watch.

There are many different fitness watches that do a great job of tracking your distance and pace. Some are even designed to track your heart rate as well! A fitness watch is a good investment because it helps to keep you on track and motivates you to accomplish your pace goals! If you do use a watch, make sure you are using a good watch band! If you aren’t using a watch band that is designed for activity, you can end up getting a watch band rash (gross) and it could even start to smell! Our Groove Watch Bands are designed with an “air in, moisture out” technology that keeps your skin breathing and sweat-free (as much as possible)!

We hope these tips set you up for success as you get ready for race day! Do the best you can, and know the Groove + Life team is cheering you on! You’ve got this!

Keep Groovin'!


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