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Different Types of Camping with Kevin Morse

Different Types of Camping for You & The Family

Posted by Joel Kneedler on

From sleeping in a tent to sleeping in the bed of a truck, there are more ways than one to camp.

Kevin Morse is a life-long camper and a Groove Life customer experience professional. Kevin and his family love to pack up at least once a month and head out to a new campsite. Over the years, Kevin has experienced many different types of camping.

We recently caught up with Kevin after his extended camping trip to Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado. 

Kevin, when did camping become a part of your life? 

Camping was something my family always did growing up. When I was young, my parents didn’t have the money for a big RV, so we used a little pop-up camper when we went camping. 

Of course, as kids we didn’t get to sleep in the camper, we slept outside. So the first type of camping I experienced was camping outdoors in a sleeping bag.

My parents later upgraded to a camper trailer, sometimes called a travel trailer. That type of camping was great because everything is contained in the camping trailer and there is more room for sleeping. But I grew up camping and still love it to this day.

What’s one of the strangest types of camping you’ve experienced? 

While camping can be a way to see cool places, it can also mean sleeping in some strange places. This happened to me on a trip to the Grand Canyon.

Why do I remember our trip to the Grand Canyon as a kid? Because I got to sleep in the bed of our pick-up truck the whole time. I was a little stiff in the morning, but I didn’t mind. It may sound like a different type of camping, but it’s not that uncommon. 

Plus, it’s a great way to save money while visiting really cool places like the Grand Canyon. I learned early on that there’s no one way to camp. There are as many ways to camp as there are people.

Where have you camped recently?

We just got back from the longest camping trip our family has ever taken. We started camping in Glendive, Montana, then made our way down through Yellowstone National Park, then the Grand Tetons, and finally into the Colorado Rockies. It was amazing.

What type of camping did you do on this trip?

On this trip we used different types of camping

Two of our kids shared a tent, two slept in hammocks, and my wife and I slept in a roof top tent attached to a trailer we custom built for camping. I won’t lie though, there were days we would have loved to have had that big camper trailer or an RV. 

What do you enjoy about camping? 

I just love being outside in beautiful places. My wife and I will hike, sure, and I love to fish so we pick places where I can do that with the kids, but it’s all about seeing beautiful things in the world.

Our perfect afternoon wouldn’t be hiking, or climbing, or biking. It would be finding a beautiful spot, making tea, and just soaking up the beauty. 

My second favorite thing is building a fire, and sitting around it with friends and family, talking, singing, and arguing over the best way to make marshmallows. My third favorite thing is waking up outside, on cold mornings (but in warm sleeping bags!).

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