Memorial Day vs. Veterans Day
What’s the difference?
For most modern Americans, Memorial Day weekend has come to mean backyard barbeques, retail sales, and the beginning of summer.

Even though summer doesn't officially start until June 21, we love to take advantage of the three-day weekend and get outdoors with family and friends. In all the fun, it can be easy to forget the original meaning of Memorial Day.
And with Veterans Day also on the national holiday calendar, it gets even harder to distinguish between the two.
So, what’s the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day?
Here are three ways Memorial Day is different from Veterans Day.
In the Line of Duty. Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for soldiers, sailors, or marines who have died in any war. Veterans Day, on the other hand, is a day for all who have served in any branch of the military.
The Last Monday in May. Memorial Day always falls on the last Monday of the month of May, creating Memorial Day weekend. Veterans Day is always on November 11, the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the year, so it can fall on any day during the week.
- A Day to Remember. Memorial Day is a solemn day of remembrance, marked by ceremonies at military gravesites all across the country. Veterans Day is often celebrated with parades in small towns and cities, with retired soldiers typically wearing their military uniforms waving at the crowds.
The largest ceremony for both Memorial Day and Veterans Day is held at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington D.C. where the president will lay a wreath at The Tomb of The Unknown Soldier.
While these observances carry a lot of meaning for those who have served or have lost loved ones, both days are also known as big days for sales at retail stores and online.
In the world of fashion, Memorial Day weekend also serves as the launch of summer clothing, meaning you can now safely wear white.
Here at Groove we are serious about honoring those who serve our country.
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